Debt collection software
ezCash is a collaborative, web-based debt collection software application that enables you to do just what our other clients are doing --- collecting accounts receivable faster. By sharing common knowledge about an account, your personnel can better communicate and take coordinated action to not only make debt collections easier, but also improve relationships with your customers.

Get broader visibility to information
With ezCash, your collectors, sales, and service staff can review customer balances and dialogues remotely, any time,
via an Internet browser or WAP enabled device. This ensures they know -- in real time -- all about any payment and customer satisfaction
issues before they contact your customers. It also enables them to enter into the system "customer calls" and "follow-up actions" that
are visible through your intranet. This immediate visibility provides the foundation for well informed business decisions such as
suspending service or placing a hold on a new order.
Simple integration with imaging systems can make your customer invoices, statements, and remittances (double-sided check images) available
at the click of a mouse. Online aging reports and account histories provide instant visibility to management information. Collection
effectiveness can be easily measured and tracked. Management can balance collector workload and assign follow-up calls based on the age
of an outstanding invoice.
Using Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, ezCash can dramatically reduce the cost of eBusiness Application deployment. A secure web
connection makes customer information available to your remote sales force, as well as your partners and resellers.
Customer specific knowledge
ezCash can help you identify problem accounts and engage appropriate company personnel early in the problem-resolution
process. Internal communication is key to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your cash collection process.
What's more, you will gain valuable knowledge about customer payment practices. Using this knowledge, you can develop collection strategies
that make effective use of both your human and financial resources.
With ezCash you will accelerate your cash collections and know what your customers owe you
how old your receivables are
how much cash
you collected today... and more.